All-on-4 : Replace All Bottom Teeth in a Day

All On 4 Tracy, CA

All-on-4® is a popular and effective teeth-replacement treatment for adults who are missing an entire arch of teeth. If you are missing teeth on the bottom jaw, this solution can revive your smile and chewing function. While other methods are available, this option has benefits and advantages over others that make it an attractive choice for many people. Our dentist can first walk you through the process and advise you on what to expect. Then, you can get started with treatment and have the look and the tooth function you have been wanting.

The problem with missing teeth

Missing teeth, especially several of them, can cause a host of issues. Missing teeth are a cosmetic problem for many. It can hurt one's confidence in their smile and cause one to avoid social situations. This can be an embarrassing situation for an individual. It may even affect an individual's self-esteem and mental health.

When it comes to oral health, missing teeth can pose a number of problems. Without teeth, it is difficult to eat a well-balanced meal because one's chewing function is impaired. Also, if there are any remaining teeth, they may drift, become loose, and fall out. Bone loss can also occur, which may change the shape of the person's face.

The All-on-4 process

People who may be missing all their teeth on the bottom row can benefit from All-on-4 implants. Instead of putting an implant in every socket of every missing tooth, only four are necessary to support the entire bottom arch of teeth. This is the reason they are called All-on-4. First, the dentist will numb the patient and insert screw-like titanium posts deep into the jaw. Then, the dentist secures a permanent denture base to the implants. Artificial teeth attach to the base and give the appearance of natural-looking teeth. They function more like natural teeth as well.

A single visit

One of the main draws that people have to All-on-4 is that the process is so fast. A person can replace all missing bottom teeth in a single day. Contrast this with traditional dental implants, which require a multi-step process. This process can take several months, as the patient must heal and wait for the bone and implants to fuse. Getting four implants in the jaw in this manner spares the patient a lot of time and hassle.

The results and benefits

When a person gets All-on-4, there are a few major effects. The patient now has a full smile and no more gaps in the mouth. The implants and dentures provide a natural look with artificial teeth that resemble real ones in size, shape, and color. Also, the implants restore full function to the mouth. This allows the person to have a strong bite force and resume eating a normal diet. Traditional dentures take some getting used to. A patient has to adapt to chewing with them. However, All-on-4 functions more like natural teeth.

Another benefit the All-on-4 option offers is a reduced need for bone grafting procedures. When using dental implants to replace missing teeth, it is important the patient has an adequate jawbone to support the implant. For patients needing more jawbone support, the bone grafting procedure requires months for the treatment process. However, All-on-4 does not require as much jaw bone support. The dentist can strategically place the implants in parts of the jaw that have the necessary jawbone density.

All-on-4 is also a durable and long-lasting solution to missing teeth replacement. With proper care, it is comforting to know that the titanium screw-like posts can last a lifetime. Though the false teeth will eventually need to be replaced, they can last up to 20 years with adequate care.

There is another benefit All-on-4 offers that traditional dentures do not. Even when traditional dentures are worn as directed, they do not stimulate the jawbone and help prevent jawbone loss. However, the titanium screw-like posts used with All-on-4 stimulate the jawbone. This prevents jawbone loss and helps maintain facial structure.

An effective, fast way to restore your smile

Many challenges may arise if you are without every single tooth on the bottom jaw. The good news is that help is available. With All-on-4 treatment, you can have a full set of teeth again in just one visit to the dentist's office. If you are interested in this treatment, schedule a consultation and with our dentist to determine if you are an ideal candidate and how to start the process.

Are you considering getting All-on-4 in the Tracy area? Get more information at

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